The Longview, Kelso & Rainier Model Railroad Club maintains a traveling HO-Gauge model train layout, which we display and events throughout the Pacific Northwest. This 12' x 23' layout features a double-track main line, a stub-end branch line, and a yard with engine terminal. Scenes on this layout include a grain elevator, industrial park, farm, coal mine, hunting lodge, waterfall, and small town. The club plans to display this layout at the following events.
Upcoming Events
November 23, 2024
LK&R Holiday Model Train & Toy Swap Meet
Cowlitz County Event Center
Longview, WA

Photo by Dave Dahlberg

Photo by Dave Dahlberg
The Longview, Kelso & Rainier Model Railroad Club Presents:
The 2024 Holiday Model
Train & Toy Swap Meet
Saturday, November 23, 2024, 10AM - 4PM
General Admission - $5.00, Children under 12 free with paid adult.
EARLYBIRD SPECIAL: Get in between 9AM and 10AM for $10.00 Each
NEW Location
The Cowlitz County
Event Center
1900 7th Av.
Longview, WA
Go to
Then click on Contact Us for directions
Take I-5 to exit 39, west onto Allen ST across the bridge and left on 1st AV,
right on Washington ST and Left onto 7th AV SW. Parking in either lot next to
the event center.
Vendor Name:________________________________
Phone number:_______________________________
Number of Tables :______Special Requests?________
Table reservation confirmations will be sent by e-mail or snail mail. NO Personal Information will be given or sold to ANYONE!!
Make Checks Payable to LK&R MRC Mail payments to: LK&R MRC, 351 Three Rivers DR, Ste. 190, Kelso, WA, 98626
QUESTIONS? Call Howard at 360-751-7276, or, e-mail